Interested in increasing the life of your pellet stove?
Wood pellet stoves like all other combustion heating systems must be checked annually by a professional during maintenance of the appliance. During the annual maintenance, the professional must clean and vacuum the dust on the exchanger and the crucible. The exterior parts should also not be forgotten.
A weekly maintenance
The burning of the pellets in the stove produces ash. This combustion waste ends up in an ash pan that must be emptied every week, especially during very cold weather. A visual check of the flame will also allow you to detect any anomalies. The use of quality pellets extends the life of the stove by limiting its clogging. In summary, the maintenance of a pellet stove is rather easy and non-restrictive for the users.
The steps to take during regular maintenance
First of all, it is important to turn off your stove before any maneuver. Once the stove has come to a complete stop, you can unplug it and begin maintenance. The easiest maneuver to perform is to empty the ash pan. You can then vacuum the perforated crucible, making sure that there is good air circulation. Visual inspection of the air intake tube and spark plug is imperative to ensure optimal combustion. Finally, clean the combustion chamber as a whole without forgetting the glass door. An ash sweeper can be very effective in performing these maintenance.
A little advice on maintenance and prevention for pellet appliances
Always install a container near the appliance, which can hold 2 or 3 bags of pellets. This results in a more sifted and less humid pellet, which ensures better appliance life as well as more efficient combustion.
Good heating!
The Maçonnex Experts at your Boutique Foyer